Friday, October 24, 2008

Dear Sarah Palin, Go Fucking Home

I am AMAZED by this woman. Palin was asked why she hasn't released her medical records:

Palin: "The medical records, so be it. If that will allow some curiosity seekers perhaps to have one more thing that they either check the box off that they can find something to criticize or to rest them assured over."

Go back and read that sentence again, and try to keep your brain from exiting your skull and slapping you in the face. It's not possible. I think this is the dumbest thing I have ever read.

The big problem with Palin isn't that she's stupid (which she is), or that she's corrupt (which she is), it's that she is FUCKING INSANE.

I'll make this simple. If someone bombs an abortion clinic, that person IS A FUCKING TERRORIST.

Here's the full exchange transcribed if you can get through it without ramming a fist through your monitor:

Brian Williams: Back to the notion of terrorists and terrorism, this word has come up in relation to Mr. Ayers -- hanging out with terrorist – domestic terrorists. It is said that it gives it a vaguely post uh 9-11 hint, using that word, that we don’t normally associate with domestic crimes. Are we changing the definition? Are the people who set fire to American cities during the ‘60’s terrorists, under this definition? Is an abortion clinic bomber a terrorist under the definition?

Sarah Palin: There is no question that Bill Ayers via his own admittance was um one who sought to destroy our US Capitol and our Pentagon -- that is a domestic terrorist. There’s no question there. Now others who would want to engage in harming innocent Americans or um facilities, that uh, it would be unacceptable -- I don’t know if you could use the word terrorist, but its unacceptable and it would not be condoned of course on our watch. I don’t know if what you are asking is if I regret referring to Bill Ayers as an unrepentant domestic terrorist. I don’t regret characterizing him as that.

Williams: I’m just asking what other categories you would put in there. Abortion clinic bombers? Protesters in cities where fires were started, Molotov cocktails, were thrown? People died.

Palin: I would put in that category of Bill Ayers anyone else who would seek to destroy our United States Capitol and our Pentagon and would seek to destroy innocent Americans.

Can someone please tell Mrs. Palin to GO. HOME.

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